Dreamcast's Facility

Discord: discord.gg/5cgfbT4ksQ


1. Have Common Sense while playing.

3. Any toxicity/harassment is strictly prohibited.

2. Any form of Micspamming is not allowed, unless if you are a donator then you
may use a soundboard through proximity chat.

4. Do not team with teams you are obviously not allowed to team with. (ex. SCPs and Scientists, MTF and D-Class, etc.)

5. Do not intentionally delay the round.

6. The use of cheats or exploits is strictly prohibited.

7. Impersonating staff/players is strictly prohibited.

8. Do not express racist/anti-semitic/homophobic/transphobic views or slurs in any way shape or form.

9. Do not try and create loopholes in these rules to avoid punishment, doing so will result in a worse punishment.