Bean's Bastion

Welcome to Bean's Bastion! We are a friendly and calm community with a decent amount of plugins, but not too many so that the game becomes confusing and unenjoyable. Whether you're a veteran or new player, this place is for you.


1. Treat everyone with respect. Offences such as: harassment or racism will be taken seriously.
2. No self-promotion without permission from a staff member.
3. No KOS:
- MTF cannot KOS (Kill On Sight) D-Class unless they are not obeying orders or holding a firearm. Chaos cannot KOS scientists for the same reasons.
- Cuffed D-Class and Scientists cannot be killed unless they are disobeying orders, don't try work around this rule.
- If a D-Class is about to be cuffed by MTF, nearby scientists cannot KOS.
- If Chaos Insurgency spawn, D-Class may be killed if Guards/Scientist/MTF choose to.
4. Report a player if they are misbehaving.
5. No cross-teaming unless your class is allowed to:
- Chaos and SCPs can team.
- Chaos and Serpentshand cannot team.
6. Listen to staff, they are here to help.
7. Do not sabotage friendlies (e.g. SCP-079 deliberately shutting doors on fellow SCPs).
- Do not tell other classes where certain players are.
- Do not allow a dclass to escape as chaos if you are a guard and have the ability to cuff them.
8. Try not to spam soundboards, if another player asks you to stop, then stop.


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AutoFFToggle = Toggles friendly fire at the end of the round.
ChopperDrop = Spawns in a supply drop every so often at NTF spawn.
SCP-012 = Sucks you in and can kill you but has good floor loot.
SCPstats = Tracks your in-game stats.
SerpentsHand = Different class that can help only the SCPs.
WaitAndChill = You can walk around as Tutorial before the round starts.
BetterSinkholes = A sinkhole can spawn in light containment zone.
RespawnTimer = Displays how long till a spawn wave.
RemoteKeycard = Can open doors without holding a keycard, must have the correct keycard in your inventory.
Hats = Buy the patreon to get custom hats including: butter, cola and more.
BetterSCP-939 = SCP-939 is smaller and faster. But slows when it hits a player.