JOIN VALHALLA (discord link)

Posting a clip of a huge clutch-up in the discord earns you the cosmetic "berserker" role. clip must take place on our server.

-No hate speech, discrimination, or bullying based on gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity.
However your age, voice, username, steam profile, and intelligence are fair game.

-hacking is cringe.

-Using exploits/glitches is 100% ALLOWED.
-KOS is 100% ALLOWED.
-teaming/ghosting is 100% ALLOWED.
-stalling the round is 100% ALLOWED.
-griefing your team is 100% ALLOWED.
-micspamming is 100% ALLOWED.
-doing a little trolling is 100% ALLOWED.
-talking mad shit, to anybody (admins included) is 100% ALLOWED.

-no grooming minors please