Installed Plugins:
- Custom Subclasses: New unique subclasses for all roles!
- Custom Lobby: Pick your preferred starting role in the lobby!
- AutoEvent: Fun in-game events that rotate automatically by staff.
- SCP-1162: Trade an item in GR-18 for a chance at losing or gaining something new!
- SCP Proximity Chat: SCPs can using voice chat with any class if in range.
- Map Additions with MER: New structures which bring more convenience to gameplay, like barricades for cover!
- SCP Swap: Swap SCPs with another at the start of the round!
- MVP: Highlights the 3 top-performing players at the end of the round.
- RemoteKeycard: Allows the use of keycards without holding them.
- Serpents Hand: Adds a new faction which spawns toward the start.
- Class Switching: You can use "Very Fine" to swap between Class-D and Scientist at 914.
- 914 Teleportation: You can use "Rough" for an 85% chance of teleporting randomly in LCZ or 15% chance for HCZ.
- SCP Health on Kill: Gain health on kill for all SCPs, some more and some less depending on lethality.
- CandyUtilities: Adds QoL changes to candy, including pink candy.
- EffectKeeper: Retain effects after escaping as any role.
- Timers: Displays spawn times for MTF and Chaos teams.
Server Rules:
[0] Respect others; no toxicity.
[1] Follow moderators' instructions—they are here to help.
[2] Do not team with opposing teams.
[3] Avoid delaying the round in any way.
[4] Do not mic spam or misuse voice chat.
[5] Music is allowed in global and local chats.
[5.1] No ear-rape or NSFW music.
[5.2] Stop if requested in global chat.
[6] No advertising products or servers.
[7] Preferably contact mods via Discord for assistance.
[8] Players must be 13 years or older.
[9] Suicide as SCP is prohibited.
[10] Do not sabotage your team.
[10.1] Avoid closing doors on teammates.
[10.2] Do not un-detain and kill those which others captured.
[11] You may not stay in unreachable zones.
[12] Do not create inappropriate decals with bullets.
[13] Hateful, racial, or homophobic slurs are strictly forbidden.
You may contact either @GroundPlayz or @.gamingtoast on Discord.