Discord: https://discord.gg/pdzcnWQ

Invite your friends! This a small server, there likely won't be many others joining often.

1. No doxxing (leaking other people's personal info, i.e.: home address, phone number, etc.).
2. No ear-deafening micspamming. Micspamming over the radio (excluding intercom, have fun) is also discouraged.
3. While the usage of the N-Word is not prohibited, using it excessively is. Much stricter on the Hard R.
4. Use your head, just because something is not listed here doesn't mean it is allowed.
5. Make sure to suffer.

Plugins ( Working - | - Unsure/Untested - | - Not Working ):
- Admin Tools
- Auto FF Toggle
- Better Disarming
- Better SCP-939
- Better Sinkholes
- Common Utils
- Creative Toolbox
- Custom Loadouts
- Discord Integration
- name
- Lights
- MVP Reborn
- Peanut Forking Explodes
- Pocket Dimension Item Spit out
- Rainbow Tags
- Remote Keycard
- SCP-575
- SCP-1162
- SCP Swap
- SCP Utils
- Serpents Hand
- Stalky 106
- Throw Items
- Tranquilizer Gun
- Ultimate AFK
- Wait and Chill

personal pin for when I edit this:
- name