
Duck Incorporated
<b>This is a Heavily Modded Server!






1. Do not abuse the reports system.
2. Any form of racism, sexism, antisemitism or any other discrimination will not be tolerated.
3. Using cheats or exploits is not allowed.
4. Camping and delaying the round is not allowed.
5. Don't kill compliant cuffed Class-D or Scientists. Uncuffing obedient Class-D or Scientists in order to kill them is not allowed. It's also not allowed to uncuff them before they escape.
6. Don't announce staff who have a hidden badge or bring attention to them.
7. Disrespecting, impersonating or encouraging others to break our rules and false reporting is not allowed.
8. Don't sabotage your team.


1. Class-D and Scientists may team freely.
2. Class-D and Guards/MTF cannot team.
3. Scientists and Chaos Insurgents cannot team.
4. SCPs can team freely with Chaos Insurgents as long as it does not delay the round.



1. Ultimate-AFK: Automaticaly replaces AFK players with spectators.
2. Round Statistics: Shows statistics at the end of the round.
3. SCP Swap: Allows SCPs to swap roles with each other.
4. Custom Map: Adds new things to the map.
5. SCP-1162: Adds The Hole in the Wall to SCP-173s containment chamber.
6. Horror Sounds: Adds spooky sounds to the game.
7. Candy Utilities: Adds pink candy back to the game.
8. Respawn Timer: Tells you when you are going to respawn.
9. Custom Items: Adds custom items to the game.
10. Custom Roles: Adds custom roles to the game.
11. Kill Message: Shows a message on screen telling you who you killed.


In order to contact the server owner, please join the Discord server.
