Discord Link https://discord.gg/Z8Kha2m

1. Intentionally teamkilling for ANY reason is not allowed. If someone has been AFK for more than five minutes, you can TK them ONLY IF a staff member is not available.
2. Don't mic spam (includes music, ear rape, etc.) over spectator, intercom, or radio.
3. Staff disrespect is not allowed.
4. Discrimination of any kind is not allowed.
5. Killing detained D-class as MTF/Facility Guard counts as team-kill.
6. Do not say anything that might offend someone or a group of people (such as the hard n).
7. Cheating or hacking is not tolerated.
8. English Server
9. Do not camp/hide in alpha warhead room, silo, 049's cell, 012, etc.
10. Do not advertise (Having TTV or anything like that in your name is fine, however).
11. Teaming is allowed as long as it does not hold up the round.
12. Closing doors on team mates is not allowed.

Staff members are allowed to open doors for trapped players or SCPs after awhile; this is not admin abuse.