Welcome to Unity Labs!

-Join the Discord-
Click Me!

-Server rules-

No exploiting of any kind
Do not be overly disrespectful
No slurs of any kind
SCPs cannot truce or team with Facility Guards, MTF, or Scientists
Do not intentionally hold up the round
Listen to staff

These rules will apply to ALL CLASSES in the game unless otherwise stated.

You are allowed to...
- Kill any UNDETAINED personnel you come across.

You are NOT allowed to...
- Kill any DETAINED personnel you come across.
- UNDETAIN any personnel who have already been DETAINED UNLESS given EXPLICIT consent by the person who was DETAINED.

These rules will apply to ALL CLASSES in the game unless otherwise stated.

You may micspam in...
- Proximity Chat
- Intercom Chat

You may NOT micspam in...
- Spectator Chat
- Radio Chat
- SCP Chat

-Microphone and Voice chat modifications-
The following rules will apply to all classes/roles in the game unless otherwise stated by staff

You may...
-Use voice-altering software and hardware for the purposes of comedy and comedy only

You may not...
-Use voice-altering software and hardware with the intention of masking your actual age


You are allowed to...
- Mention another server or network by name CASUALLY

You are NOT allowed to...
- Directly encourage other players to join said server
- Tell other players the IP of the server

Enjoy your stay!

Last Updater: Tracash
Time of last update: July 1st, 2023 @ 2:58 PM EST