Blake's Chill Hangout

Join the Discord for questions, reports, or to chat with fellow members: (click)
Server Rules

1. Hacking or abusing exploits are strictly prohibited
2. No racism, sexism, bigotry, or slurs directed towards any group regardless of your racial, ethnic, or gender status
3. Do not shoot unarmed Class-D unless they are non-compliant
- If you know a Class-D is armed from spectator chat you must assume they are unarmed until you see them equip a weapon
- ANY detained player must not be killed unless they are non-compliant
- Any action by a detained player made to preserve their own life (IE refusing to jump into a tesla gate, running from SCPs, etc.) cannot be considered non-compliant
- Detained players may be killed if they are stalling the round (killing only them would end the round)
4. Mic spam is not tolerated in SCP chat, the intercom, radios, or spectator chat. However, mic spam is allowed before a round starts and in proximity chat.
5. Toxic behavior (closing doors on teammates, detaining people and leaving them behind for SCPs, killing players just before they escape, etc.). What is considered toxic behavior is to the discretion of the moderator

Server Settings

- Friendly Fire is off
- The Warheads automatically detonate 20 minutes into the round (6 minutes after decontamination)
- Warhead Duration is 90 seconds
- Gates A and B are locked open while the warheads are detonating
- There are 2 pocket dimension exits. Exits are randomized on escape.


- AdminTools Moderation tools and utilities
- CommonUtilities Miscellaneous modifications
- NukeLock Advanced auto nuke options
- RespawnTimer Respawn timer and other info for spectators