<color="COLOR">No.1 - This is an English-speaking server, so please keep all conversations in English.

Rule No.2 - We will not tolerate any NSFW slurs at anytime
Rule No.2.1 - Please refrain from saying anything offensive or controversial.

Rule No.3 - We have no tolerance for any violent, offensive, homophobic, racist, fascist sexist or explicit content. This includes no swearing or racial comments towards anyone, however swearing is aloud but not in an excessive manner.

Rule No.4 - Please do not argue or disrespect staff.
Rule No.4.1 - Please do not impersonate staff.
Rule No.4.2 - Please do not ask for any staff role, staff applications are open at certain times so you can
enroll for staff.

Rule No.5 - Please be respectful to everyone.
Rule No.6.1 - Don't start any arguments
Rule No.6.2 - Don't leak any information about someone (DDOSing, IP-grabbing, etc.)
Rule No.6.3 - Don't give away information about someone that they don't want people to know (Age, Family, etc.)

Rule No.6 - Do not spam sound board sounds, If you do you will be either warned and timed out or server muted.
Please be polite and follow the rest of the rules above.

Rule No.7 - There is to be no advertisement of any kind on this server continue to do so will result in a ban
These rules apply to everyone.

Rule No.8 - Loopholes will not be tolerated.

Rule No.9 - Severe violations will result in an immediate ban.

Rule No.10 - If you think you have been falsely warned, you can go to ⁠ban-appeals❌ to appeal to your warns. unless there is very solid evidence of a serious issue, things not in this server and not related to this server will largely be ignored.

Rule No.11 - Have fun 🙂

If you catch someone breaking these rules feel free to go to ⁠reports❌, but don't go there for no reason</#ff0000ff>