By joining this SCP servers you have agreed you've read and understood the rules. Any questions or reports needing to be cleared, can be done so at our discord.
You may join our community here - .
This is our event/fun server! It is not uncommon to find moderators goofing off or causing chaos! Have fun!

1. Flaming, harassment, and any behavior deemed insulting or derogatory is prohibited.
2. We condemn any racial and any anti-Semitic words, comments, usernames included.
3. Broadcasting overly-loud and/or distorted audio is not allowed. No NSFW audio allowed over intercom.
4. No spamming mic.
5. Teaming is allowed as long as the round is not being held up.
6. No surface camping allowed. SCPS/Scientists/D-Class are allowed to hide in the facility only.
7. No Cheating/Ghosting.