Dr<color=#dfc9c4>. <color=#e3b8af>F<color=#e5a89a>r<color=#e69786>o<color=#e68672>g<color=#e4755e>'<color=#e2634b>s<color=#de4e38> L<color=#da3725>a<color=#d51010>b
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Server Moderation

<indent=28%>SoBeyondYou#8801</indent> <indent=53%>Moderation Manager</indent>
<indent=28%>Medkit GodFurry(..#0091</indent> <indent=53%>Moderation Advisor</indent>
<indent=28%>doggy#3422</indent> <indent=53%>Moderator</indent>
<indent=28%>captain beef#4200</indent> <indent=53%>Moderator</indent>
<indent=28%>Linkmm2#9267</indent> <indent=53%>Moderator</indent>
<indent=28%>Peebs#5260</indent> <indent=53%>Moderator</indent>
<indent=28%>Spac3Fr0g#1925</indent> <indent=53%>Moderator</indent>
<indent=28%>Allie#9673</indent> <indent=53%>Moderator</indent>
<indent=28%>SYT3#1530</indent> <indent=53%>Moderator</indent>
Server Rules

[1] Staff decisions are made off of logical reasoning. If you feel that a staff member has made a mistake with their decisions or course of action then talk to them or simply ask "why did this happen"? If you feel a staff member is abusing or misusing their powers, you can report them by contacting SoBeyondYou .
[2] Do not use alts to bypass a ban.
[3] This server is English-only. However you may have conversations in game chat, but not over Spectator or Radio. This is not discrimination as it is the main language of our server.
[4] Swearing is allowed. Hate speech, harassment, and racial slurs are not.
[5] No microphone spamming or spamming loud music over the spectator chat, intercom or radio.
[6] No team-griefing! This includes:
- Closing doors on teammates for no reason - An actual reason to do so would be, for example, being chased by enemies.
- Suiciding as SCP-049-2 is not allowed. You may charge at enemies with no thought, but killing yourself on a tesla or jumping into a hole is not allowed.
- Disarmed Class-Ds are on the MTF's side, disarmed Scientists are on the CI's side. Killing them is teamkilling. (Unless they don't follow reasonable orders)

[7] Teaming is not allowed!
- With the one exception being CI and SCPs.
- If you intend to disarm Class-D(s)/scientist(s) later, you may team up temporarily.

[8] Do not beg staff for things. Kindly asking is fine, but if you keep doing so, it's against the rules.
[9] All staff members have the right to enforce rules not strictly said here. If any rule that may not be written here, but should obviously be enforced is broken: Then they have the right to enforce said rule.
[10] Impersonating staff members for personal gain or to threaten another player, is strictly against the rules. We understand its funny sometimes, but doing it to scare other players is not cool.

"Prime-Time" (Most people on) from 4-12PM CEST

Server Owner Contact E-Mail: [email protected]