Discord link: Click Here!

(Must be in the discord to apply for server mod/be notified of custom events/get custom nameplates in-game

Server rules:

1. Speak English.
2. Killing members of your own team without a reason is forbidden and will be punished.
3. Racism, homophobia, toxicity, and other forms of offensive behavior is not tolerated.
4. Using exploits, bugs and other forms of cheating is bannable.
5. Any form of mic-spam (making non-human sounds, screaming without a reason)
6. Pretending to be a staff member will result in a ban.
7. Camping and/or stalling the game with no purpose is not allowed.
8. Failure to obey an administrator's order will be met with punishment.
9. Don't go wild, there are children here.
10. Administration is allowed to punish you for things not mentioned in rules - depending on the situation.
11. Use common sense.
12. Not reading the rules is not an excuse to break them.
13. D-class can teamkill
14. Chaos is the only team that should be teaming with SCPs
15. Mtf includes guards
16. Mtf don't have to kill d class if they wish not to, but must not allow d class to become chaos

17. Cheddar, fs, and Brandon have final say in rules