A server run by Squeakers
Besides just following the rules, you are expected to use your brain, so use common sense when playing the game.

If you get 1 warning, you will be fine, if you get two, you will be possibly muted, if you get 3 you will be kicked with a message saying what rules you broke, if you get 4 then you will be banned for an hour, 5 and you will be banned for a day, if you get 6 warnings you will be permanently banned.

Discord: Click here!









1. [HACKING/CHEATING] Do not under any circumstances hack or cheat

1.1 You may use exploits that are in the unmodified .exe file of the game

2. [BULLYING] Don't bully people

2.1 Do not bully children, or women for their voices

2.2 do not call people slurs, that is bannable

2.3 saying slurs without a target is not bannable

3. [EARRAPE] Don't earrape people

3.1 Don't spam loud or obnoxious music in spectator, pre-game, post-game, intercom, SCP, or radio chats