Northwood Official SCP: Secret Laboratory Server

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This Official Server is hosted by Northwood Studio. We currently have two Official Servers in Canada and one Official server in Europe.

Official Server Rules
1. Cheating and exploiting are strictly prohibited.
2. Promotion of suicide in real life and other life-threatening thoughts is strictly prohibited.
3. Racist, discriminating, and offensive contents are strictly prohibited.
4. Staff impersonation is strictly prohibited.
5. Mic spamming is prohibited. Music and songs are allowed but must be stopped if being requested.
6. Advertisements, including server advertisements and streaming channel advertisements, must be kept to a minimum.
7. Teaming and camping are tolerated if they do not lead to round delays.
8. Intentional teamkilling and teamkilling AFKs at spawn are prohibited.
9. False reporting and abuse of in-game reporting function are prohibited.

Please join our Official Discord ( and contact Server Moderation Manager (ZirconZer0#8579) or Server Moderation Advisor (Todd Howard#6131) directly for reporting Northwood Official Servers related issues and making ban appeals.