<size=30>Welcome to Site 16!
Hosted in the EU, owned by _slinko
No NSFW/ERP activity
No Micspamming/soundboards unless useful for an rp
Do not share personal info or scam info
Use common sense
Use .requeststaff for help
Dont have information you shouldn't have otherwise (for examples as a Class-D you dont know about the O5 or any SCPS)
Stay in Character at all times
No Out of Character mentions during RP (lag, HP etc.)
Don't exchange IC information OOC
Your character must have RP fear (Don't run through 5 armed Guards)
Performing unrealistic actions, that wouldn't have been possible in real life
If you received an injury, you are supposed to act accordingly
Please use realistic movment, bhopping, changing directions mid-jump and other impossible movments will count as FailRP
Treat higher ups with respect and act professional at all times, this is your job.
You need to be behind someone to cuff them, you cant cuff someone while running that doesn't make sense.
Last updated 14/02/25