1. Cheating and exploiting is strictly prohibited.
2. Phishing, scamming, and other illegal activities is strictly prohibited.
3. Promotion of suicide in real life and other life-threatening
ideas/thoughts/threats is strictly prohibited.
4. Racist, discriminating, and offensive content is strictly prohibited.
5. Harassment, toxicity, and baseless out-of-game accusations against other
players are strictly prohibited.
6. Mic spamming is prohibited in all channels. Music and songs are allowed but
must be stopped if being requested by staff or players.
7. Advertisements, including server advertisements and streaming channel
advertisements, must be kept to a minimum.
8. Teaming and camping are tolerated if they do not lead to round delays.
9. False reporting and abuse of in-game reporting function are prohibited.
10. Calling out moderators who have hidden tags is prohibited.
11. Encouraging others to violate server rules is prohibited.

Contact me at:
[email protected]