Bright's Bunker <color=white>| Server Rules</color>
Make sure to join our community server for appeals & a fun community!
Server Rules
1. Harassment is strictly prohibited.
2. NSFW is strictly prohibited.
3. You
MUST be 13+ to be on the server.
4. Do not KOS.
5. Do not sabotage your team.
6. You are subject to anything that a moderator says, as long as it is in line with the rules.
7. No mic-spam, but a soundboard is allowed. If someone tells you to stop playing the soundboard, stop.
8. Do not advertise.
9. Do not camp or team.
[*] Sabotaging refers to closing doors on teammates (purposefully,) suiciding as an SCP, or turning off active generators.
Contact & Community
Last updated: October 12th 2024