<color=#F98F00>Dr White's Facility





[<color=#87CEFA>1<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> Meta Gaming is NOT allowed

<color=#4169E1>[<color=#87CEFA>2<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> Teaming
Class D's and Scientists can team but cannot assist in team killing
<size=10>All other classes are NOT allowed to team

</size><color=#4169E1>[<color=#87CEFA>3<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> Any forms of hacking will be perma banned

</size><color=#4169E1>[<color=#87CEFA>4<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> Mic Spamming
You can mic spam however don't annoy anyone to much
<size=10>Mic Spamming is not allowed in SCP chat, SPECTATOR chat, RADIO chat and INTERCOM chat

</size><color=#4169E1>[<color=#87CEFA>5<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> KOS
Don't kill obedient D-bois/Scientists - Don't kill cuffed personnel

</size>[<color=#87CEFA>1<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> The auto nuke will be enabled 20 minutes into the game.

</size><color=#4169E1>[<color=#87CEFA>2<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> <color=red>SCP 914<color=#00FF7F> will upgrade items held in your hand.

</size><color=#4169E1>[<color=#87CEFA>3<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> Remote keycard you can use keycards without holding them

</size><color=#4169E1>[<color=#87CEFA>4<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> Players have a very rare chance of picking up a pink candy from 330

</size><color=#4169E1>[<color=#87CEFA>5<color=#4169E1>]<color=#00FF7F> Afk players will be kicked after 90 seconds of inactivity.


</size> Email me at [email protected] or join the discord

if the discord link doesn't work https://discord.gg/CG2e9HHzVC