Server Rules 1. Follow SCP:SL TOS.
2. No team sabotage.
This includes... Turning off generators as NTF, Chaos, etc.
Killing yourself as an SCP.
Killing cuffed D-Class that are not your own.
3. No SCP-Human teaming. (Except for Serpent's Hand) 4. No micspam.
5. Be respectful, don't harass people and make everyone feel welcome!
6. No NSFW content, this includes acting sexual towards people in any way.
7. No discrimination, including slurs, extremist views, hate towards a targeted group, etc.
Contact Email - [email protected] Discord - yeaimsammi (Systems Administrator) - theblukas (Server Administrator) - msfizzy (Tech Support) - malamations (GoAnimate City Owner) - You can also contact GoMail#8200 in the Discord Server!