

- This is a Heavily Modded Server.
- Discord: Click here - Join because I like number go up.
- CedMod Panel: Click Here - Use this to appeal bans/mutes, view your stats (if DNT is off), and do other things. Note you will have to create an account and link your Steam account to it.

Server Rules

1: Have respect for others. Do not purposefully harass other plays, be toxic, make threats, annoy, disrupt, and/or in any other way have a negative impact on others.
1A: Do not discriminate, use discriminatory slurs, or use terms that hate on a specific group.
1B: This includes your username, any music you play, or any other way this rule can be broken (directly or indirectly).
1C: No-one is exempt from this role because of their relation with any group that may be the target of this rule.
2: Do not cheat, exploit, or in any way make the game unfair.
2A: Server staff are exempt from the 'make the game unfair' part of rule, as many commands staff can take would be considered unfair.
3: Do not participate in any kind of illegal activities, including, but not limited to phishing and scamming.
3A: This also includes your local laws for your area, including any town, city, county, state, province, and/or any other form of legal district where you are.
4: Do not attempt to impersonate any player or staff member.
Note: Server staff have tags that can be shown and hidden. When a staff member is taking moderation action, they must prove they are a staff member. Staff do not have to show a tag at any other time.
5: Do not delay/stall the round.
5A: Camping and teaming are allowed, as long as it does not violate this rule.
6: Do not intentionally lag the server through any means.
7: Advertising in any form, including of other servers, is not allowed.
8: Making false reports or abusing the report system is not allowed.
9: DO NOT interfere or disrupt the work of a server staff member.
9A: This also means you are required to follow the commands of staff, and answer any questions.
9B: In addition, telling others about a staff members tag if it is hidden violates this rule.
10: You must work with your team. This means you may not disrupt your teams progress.
10A: D-Class are exempt from this rule.
11: Leaving, committing suicide, or in any way avoiding playing a role is not allowed.
12: Any kind of adult content, including any kind of sexual content is prohibited.
13: Do not attempt to use workarounds for rules. Additionally, making jokes, threating to, telling others to, and/or talking about breaking rules is not allowed.
14: Leaking of anyone's personal information is prohibited.
15: Playing loud and/or annoying sounds is prohibited.
15A: Playing normal volume sounds, including music, is fine.
16: Do not intentionally lag the server. This includes joining and leaving quickly, as well as DoS and DDoS attacks towards the server.


- To report any cases of admin abuse in the server, join the Discord and report it privately to the Server Operator. You must have proof, or know when it happened so logs can be found.
- This server is heavily moderated. If you break a rule, even if it is not severe, you will be punished. There are rarely warnings given if it is even somewhat severe.