Scyro's mother base

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This a heavily modded server, anarchy mode is off.

Plug-ins are listed below
[1]SCP-939 size has been reduced by 25%, it's faster than humans and will get slowed down after hurting someone.
In return, its attack will be boosted based on the damage taken.

[2] SCP-575 is a sentient (non-playable) entity that will wreak havoc around the facility.
[3] SCP 035 spawns in random items around the map that are SCP-035 in disguise. If you pick one of them up, SCP-035 possesses your body and will proceed to fight for the SCP team.
[4] Players are to open locked lockers and doors with a card in the inventory.
[5] Serpants Hand/UIU has a chance to replace a Chaos/MTF spawn. SH is tasked with assisting the SCPs in eliminating all other targets. UIU is tasked with assisting the MTFs in eliminating all other targets.</u>
[6] You can swap your SCP during the first 2 mins of the game.
[7] There will be MTF supply drops.
[8] Peanut will explode on death.

There are also custom items, they are listed below.

[1] A EMP Grenade.
[2] A grenade launcher.
[3] A Implosion Grenade.
[4] An injection of lethal chemicals that, when injected, immediately kills the user. If the user happens to be the target of a currently enraged SCP-096, the SCP-096 will immediately calm down, regardless of how many other targets they may or may not have.
[5] This coin, when dropped while inside the Pocket Dimension, will immediately vanish. For the remainder of the round, whenever a player enters the Pocket Dimension, the coin will spawn in front of one of the correct entrances for a few seconds before vanishing again. This effect has a cooldown.
[6] This gun is modified to heal friendly teammates and cure SCP 049-2
[7] A gun that slowly regenerates it's clip over time.
[8] A shotgun.
[9] A sniper rifle.
[10] A Tranquilize gun.
[11] A rock. Left-click to melee someone in the face with it. Left-click to toss it a short distance.
[12] A gas mask that teleports you to another dimension.
[13] A coin that, when held in your hand, makes you invulnerable to SCP-049 and SCP-049-2. However, as you hold the coin, your stamina will slowly drain. If you run out, your health will start to drain.
[14] Pills that, when consumed, make you forget SCP-096's face if you have recently seen it. Removing you from being one of his targets, with some side effects.

Here are the rules
[1] Do not harass people.</u>
[2] No teamkiling unless it's funny.
[3] Racism and Discrimination are a nono.
[4] Hacking is not allowed and will result in a 50 year ban.
[5] Do not grief your teammates, don't go cry to mods if you're teamkilled because of that.
[6] Teaming is fine unless it stalls the match.
[7] Mic spamming is ok, however, ear raping will be an mute for the rest of the duration of the round.

Thats it! Jump in and have a fun [REDACTED]