Storm Servers

Welcome, To Storm SCP Secret Laboratory Server.

We Hope You Have A Splendid Time On All Of Our Servers.

Anything within Brackets <color=#FF00FF>[Example] is a clickable link.</color>




Server Features

- SCPStats System Add Discord Class to your name by joining the [Discord]
Different named roles are on [Patreon].
We also have a leaderboard in the [Discord].

- Auto Warhead Activation 20 Mins.

- Special HUD when dead. Do .hints in console to disable it.

- Respawn Wave at 5 Mins, Timer In-Game.
Changed from a random interval between 4:50 : 5:50.

- SCPSwap Player to player swap Request.
Patreon Bonus Swap to any unused SCP.



- Do not argue with the staff team. Any complaints about staff, should be posted in a
Support Ticket, on the [Discord].

- MTF/Guards Must attempt to cuff unarmed Class-D if possible.
Do not kill Detained Class-D without valid reason

- Evading mutes and punishments by alting will result in a Ban on all accounts.

- The usage of loud/annoying soundboards in Spectator voice is prohibited.

- Racism, Slurs and any discriminatory content is prohibited.

- Harassing/Disrespecting someone is prohibited.

- Encouraging acts such as cheating, doxxing, hacking is prohibited.

- Teaming with SCP's at all isn't allowed. (exluding Chaos, Class-D)

- No mic-spamming in intercom/spectator.</color>

- No advertisements are allowed unless given permission.</color>

- Do not prolong the round. (This includes camping)</color>

- English Only in voice. We have a non english area in our </color>[Discord]



Please join our <size=18pt>[Discord] and post a support ticket system.</size>