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Server Updates are found in the Discord in #Announcements.

Spawn protection is enabled on this server.

Cheaters will be reported to Northwood.

Rule 1 - Common Sense:

Before you do anything in this server, make sure to use common sense. There are a number of different infractions which break this rule. They include but are not limited to:

● Spamming in channels not designated for spam
● Disobeying the staff
● Use of alts to circumvent mutes or bans
● Using racist, sexist, or homophobic slurs
● Acting uncivil in voice chats
● Being under the age of 13 (instant ban)


Rule 2 - Cheating

Encouraging illegal acts such as cheating, doxxing, hacking, and piracy is prohibited.


Rule 3 - Staff

Staff have final say, purposely trying to annoy or being disrespectful and rude to staff is not permitted


Rule 4 - Hate Speech

No hatespeech of any kind, religious and political arguments are also prohibited as well


Rule 5 - Teaming

Teaming between classes is prohibited, The exception are class D and scps, and scientists and class D but only if they are working to reach a common goal


Rule 6 - KOS

KOS, or killing on sight, will be allowed and is completely just if the situation calls for it, the only exception to this rule is killing already cuffed classes (ex. a cuffed D class)


Rule 7 - NSFW

NSFW, or not safe for work, content will be completely prohibited and is not allowed in any channel of the Discord.


Rule 8 - Leaving as a zombie

Do NOT leave when you're about to get rezzed by a 049


Rules written by Co-owner Lunatic.