[Server Address]


1. Regardless of race, racial slurs will result in an immediate ban without warnings given. Same goes for homophobia.
2. Do Not Stall or Delay the round for any reason.
3. No Cheating/Exploiting. Will result in immediate ban without warning.
4. KOS of D-Class/Scientists are not allowed, UNLESS they are resisting arrest or being non-compliant. (Holding an item to avoid arrest)
5. No False Surrendering. i.e. Claiming you surrender to lower their guard, just to shoot them anyway once their gun is put away.
6. Mic-Spam/Earrape/Music is not allowed universally.(Voice Chat, Death Chat, Radio, Intercom, etc.) Soundboards and Voicemods OK!
7. No Ghosting/META/Telling SCP-939 where to attack from a call. This completely ruins the atmosphere of the game. Stats are not being tracked.
8. NTF and Facility Guards are not to team with enemy factions.
9. SCPs may not team with Chaos. (Serpent's Hand is allowed) SCP-079 is an exception to this rule and may freely team.
10. DO NOT SHOOT HANDCUFFED PERSONEL FOR ANY REASON, unless they talking mad shit

Stream Friendly!

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