1. Rulebreakers are allowed to be killed no matter the circumstance
2. Harassment is not allowed, any use of racial slurs or other words that demean either race, gender, or sexuality are not allowed.
3. Cuffed players can not be killed by the cuffer's team, although if they are not following orders you are allowed to kill them.
4. Staff are to be treated with respect.
5. No micspam in spectator chat, scp chat, radio, or on the intercom.
6. SCP's cannot team with Chaos.
7. Using scpswap as a zombie (049-2) is not allowed.
8. Suiciding is not allowed as an scp.
9. Teaming of any kind is not allowed.
11. Please report any admin abuse on the discord.
12. If someone surrenders, disarmer them. If they disobey your orders, you have full right to kill them.
13 surrendering to get a chance to kill will be an instant ban.

Remember, after 4 rule breaks you will be permanently banned from both the Server. A ban Appeal link can be found on our website.
The punishment chart goes: Warning - Despawn - Temp Ban - Perm Ban
If anyone is found using an alternate account you will be ip-banned from the server.

Have fun, and stop calling pat the “OwOner”