
<size=30>click for discord</size=30>


<size=15>Rule 1: Hacking will result in an immediate permanent ban.

Rule 2: Cross-teaming is allowed. [If it doesn't delay the round]

Rule 3: Camping in any area for an extended period of time is prohibited.

Rule 4: No mic spam. [except in local chat]

Rule 5: No killing cuffed players

Rule 6: No teamkilling players unless in self defense or rule 8

Rule 7: No intentional spawn camping

Rule 8: Teamkilling is allowed ONLY IN LCZ

Rule 9: No False Reporting


PeanutGoBoom: 173 explodes when terminated

ScpChatExtension: Enables SCP proximity chat (to activate press the noclip button or left alt)

EffectKeeper: You do not loose 207 effect when escaping

HealSCPs: By holding an item and typing .heal in the console you can heal SCPs

ScpSwap: Type .scpswap (number) to swap with a player or switch to an scp nobody is using