Random Shack <b> <color=green>


<b><color=#ffeb59>Server Rules

Do not KOS Class D if you are a Facility Guard, anywhere except for Entrance Zone and Surface Zone.

<b> <color=#ffeg46> Do not soundboard spam on any device that can be heard longer than 5M, including SPECTATOR CHAT!

<b> <color=#ffeg46> Do not make inappropriate noises or drawings on the walls, it's not funny.

<b> <color=#ffeg46> Do not abuse bugs or exploits, this also goes for cheating!

<b> <color=#ffeg46> Do not abuse a advantage with a plugin.


Discord Server

join the discord (https://discord.gg/QQkZ5NwWyu) (clickable)


<b> CedMod Login Page <b>