Hello and welcome to The Fallen Kingdom - NA (North America) West Coast
We're a open community that is built over a large variety of games. I DesiCat (Deseh Kahtuh) have decided to open my own SCP SL Server. Where players can go for Roleplaying or doing whatever you want as long as it doesn't violate the rules of course.

Server Rules
~ - Priority Maximum Rules - ~ (Permanent Ban, No Appeal.)
Rule 1 - Harassment, Toxicity, and causing a scene is prohibited.
Rule 2 - Phishing, Scamming, and other illegal activities are prohibited.
Rule 3 - Racist, Discrimination, and offensive content are prohibited.
Rule 4 - No Cheating and exploiting, these are prohibited.
~ - Priority Medium Rules - ~ (2x Warning > Permanent Ban, Strict Appeal.)
Rule 5 - Staff or player impersonation is prohibited.
Rule 6 - Mic Spamming is OK but if someone asks you to stop, please listen.
- You may use sound boards; You may not music spam or use sound boards in Dead Chat or SCP Chat. Radios are OK as long as its not loud.
~ - Priority Low Rules - ~ (3x Warning, 1x Week Ban, Permanent Ban, Easy Appeal.)
Rule 7 - Teaming and camping between Chaos and SCPs are permitted.
Rule 8 - If a Staff member has their tag hidden, it is unfair to give them away. Please be ware.
Rule 9 - If you do not like the SCP you have been given, do not leave. play it out.
Rule 10 - English Only
Rule 11 - Roleplay
- You may not kill a Class D as a Facility Guard/Mobile Task Force or Scientist if the Class D is unarmed or Detained. If they are willing to co-operate, let them live until proven suspicious, or if they threaten you. Vice Versa for Scientist versus a Chaos Insurgent or Class D.

Contact: [email protected]
Discord: https://discord.gg/5xPPwv3