Insomniac Laboratory



20 Minute Auto-Nuke
60 Second Later-Join

1. Please do not excessively use the N word in voice chat or on the intercom

2. Do not Ear rape in the intercom - Music is fine unless if it's Ear Rape

3. Any Harassment or Bullying towards a user in the server will not be tolerated

4. No Hacking/Exploiting

5. Harassment/Bullying Towards A Mod/Admin will not be tolerated either

6. Please do not Intentionally stall the round

7. No camping the nuke room

8. No Teaming

9. VPNShield is Added to the server To prevent Hackers from Joining

In other words, Ignore all hate, Stay out of trouble, and Enjoy Yourselves! (:

If you find any issues or anyone breaking one of these rules, please report it to the Discord Group.