WELCOME TO [UK]RavenSCP #1 Please Join the Discord discord.gg/Deb8hea ,And make sure to Read the Rules Below,
If You enjoy the Server plz feel free to Donate using the Server discord Donate bot and Channel!!
Server Owner: NotRaven_TTV

1) Teamkill
Under no circumstances is it alright to Teamkill,
Report Them If they Annoy you
1st offence: 30 minutes
2nd offence: 2 hours
3rd offence: 1 day
4th offence: perma

2) No homophobia/derogatory slang/racism
This includes the use of the N-word, homophobic f-word and other degrading slurs
1st offence: One day ban
2nd offence: perma

3) Toxicity
The following are what we consider toxicity:
-micspam (loud noises/music in any vc other than local
-shutting doors needlessly on teammates
-shooting bullets at teammates for no reason
1st offence: 15 minutes
2nd offence: 1 hour
3rd offence: 1 day
4th offence: perma
Note regarding Teamkill:
We will not ban for Cross Fire
This is when a teammate gets in the way of killing an enemy of your current class

Teaming Rules (who can help who)
SCPS can team with chaos and d-class
Chaos can team with SCPS and D-Class
D-Class can team with SCPS, MTF, and scientists
Scientists can team with d-class
MTF can team with d-class and Scientist
No teaming with people you cant (ex. MTF teaming with SCP to find scientists)
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 1hr
3rd Offense: 3d
4th Offense: 3w
5th Offense: perm