1. No racism, bigotry, hate-speech, slurs or derogatory terms that incite hate against any specific group.
2. Mic spam will not be tolerated in situations where someone cannot escape, this includes spectator chat, scp chat, radio, and intercom.
> Proximity chat will not be subject to the mic spam rule unless excessively loud. (earrape)
3. Team sabotage is not allowed, for example activating tesla gate on your teammates as SCP-079.
> Closing doors on your teammate does not count as sabotage.
4. Teaming is allowed as long as it does not stall the round.
> You must stop teaming when you are the last people left or breaking the truce would immediately end the round
5. You are not allowed to suicide to avoid playing as an SCP
> SCP-049-2 (Zombie) is still an SCP
6. You may not abuse an exploit found on the server
> If possible please report it to us in #support
7. Staff may punish for something not explicitly listed here

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