Welcome to Exodus Empires Murder
We're a small SCP server with a brand new gamemode server exclusively for the Murder plugin


Join us on discord: Click here
Check out our website: Click here
Want to support the server?: Click here
Track your in game stats: Click here

Server Rules
1) No RDM'ing
2) Users are not allowed to prolong rounds
3) Hate Speech is strictly not allowed (The use of racism, Homophobia and hate speech is strictly not allowed and will result in a long ban duration)
4) Micspam is allowed if not constant
5) Hacking or using exploits is not allowed and may result in a global game ban

Server Features
1) Murder gamemode
2) CommonUtils
3) AdminTools

How to report
In game
Press "n" then press the warning symbol next to their name then write in detail the reason why you're reporting the player. Then from there be sure to press "Report to server"
On Discord
Copy the format from the reports format channel then fill it out and put it into the reports channel ensuring to mention the staff tag.

Please ensure that your screenshot evidence is clear, Video evidence is preferred as staff get more of a background of the event.

Have fun playing on the server!