1. No TK unless permitted to.
2. No Harassment overall, not including banter.
3. No racism, homophobia, or sexism
4. No gameplay enhancements, aka exploits/cheats.
5. No Doxxing or threats, this is very bad.
6. No targeting ingame, it's just annoying.
7. Brain damage.
8. And anything else that the SCP:SL EULA Prohibits.
9. No Suiciding as an SCP.
10. No killing unarmed, cuffed d bois you will get banned.
11. No teaming of any sort.
12. Camping is allowed, but there is auto-nuke
13. No Metagaming
14. anything that the SL EULA prohibits
15. No Sweats/Tryhards allowed. Basically if you're good, you can get kicked.


If someone mics spams and you dont know how to mute them,
press N then press the speaker icon next to their name.