Eve's Tavern

<size=13><align="left">1. Show Respect to Others:
1.1 - Interact with fellow members in a kind, polite, and considerate manner.
1.2 - Any form of NSFW is not allowed.
1.3 - Avoid promoting or endorsing suicide or self-harm, making jokes related to sexualizing minors, or threatening other members.

2. Refrain from Offensive Language:
2.1 - Refrain from using racial, homophobic, or hateful slurs. Provoking others to do the same will also lead to a ban. Any violation of this rule will result in a ban.

3. No False Reports:
3.1 - Do not consistently make false reports. It is strictly prohibited and will result in warnings and eventual bans.

4. No Loud Noises or Soundboards in Global Chats:
4.1 - Avoid using loud noises or soundboards in SCPChat, Dead Chat, SCP-1576, and Intercom.
4.2 - Micspam / Earrape is not allowed.

5. No Extending the round:
5.1 - No Glitching out of the map
5.2 - Teaming is not permitted within the server.
5.3 - You are permitted to surrender and be detained by the enemy, as long as they ensure your escape to switch teams.
5.4 - With the new update, Chaos are also required to kill SCPs.

6. No Cheating:
6.1 - You may not give or receive information from the dead.
6.2 - You may not use cheat software.

7. No Sabotaging Your Team:
7.1 - Do not leave, suicide, or go AFK just because you do not wish to play the role, including as a zombie.
7.2 - Do not kill cuffed personnel, bring them to the exit and make them your ally! Does not apply to Serpents Hand