What do you think of when you hear the name, "Sudden Valley"?
Salad dressing, I think. But for some reason I don't want to eat it.
Join the Discord server here! (If you're looking to appeal, contact the owner here.)
Welcome to Sudden Valley! These are the rules, which are subject to change without warning at any time. Final say always goes to the owner and admins. This final say may not always perfectly align with the rules but should still align in essence.
* No discrimination.
- No speaking against other players' faith, race, gender identity, sexuality, political beliefs, etc. This also means no slurs, regardless of your relation to any minority.
- We are LGBTQIA+ safe. If you come here and disrespect people because of any type of association with that group, prepare to be removed.
* No NSFW. Keep all words and sounds at an acceptable level.
* No excessively loud or repeated noises, as these can be physically damaging to others.
- This applies to all voice chat methods, including radio, SCP chat, spectator chat, and proximity chat.
* Try not to KOS D-Class, especially cuffed ones.
* Please try to not hold up the round.
* MTF cannot team with SCPs or Chaos. Players can show mercy, but do not actively team as one of these oppositions.
* Please do not ghost.
* Try to be a team player. Don't do things like shutting doors on teammates or killing yourself because you don't want to play as an SCP.
* Only speak in English, as we cannot moderate other languages.
* Avoid trigger topics.
- Do not tell people to kill themselves, or hint at it in any way.
These rules, at the heart, are meant to keep everyone entertained, in a safe and healthy way. Please be kind to one another, and if someone's causing problems, please send a report.
And remember! There's
always money in the banana stand.