
<mark=#00A2F1><style=blue>디스코드 눌러서 가입</mark><align="center">

규칙을 보지않고 생긴 일들은 모두 본인 책임이며 이에 따라 신중하게 플레이 해주시길 바랍니다

처벌이 중첩되면 강도가 더 강해집니다.
2회:+1주 3회:+1달 4회:영구 밴

---------(게임 규칙)---------
1. (2주 밴)

2. 4 (5일 밴)
+총을 소지하고 공격의 의지가 있었다면 카운트 X

3.ㅣex:탈출하기 전 체포풀기 (1주 밴)

4.(2주 밴)

5.부정 (게임 서비스 종료 1시간 전까지 밴)

6. 지속적으로 뿌리기(1주 밴)

7.팀이 했음에도 불구하고 게임에 큰 영향을 주는 ㅣex:핵 끄기 (1일 독방형)

8., 에게 대들거나 까부는 행위 (영밴)


! !지<color=#00FF00>개!!!


Friendly Fire is on!
Nuke cannot be activated for first 450 seconds.
Autonuke time is 25 minutes, after that the nuke cannot be disabled and is activated.
Intercom time is 30 seconds with a 120 second cooldown.
Auto AFK kicker will kick you at 3 minutes.
Chaos and SCPs do NOT win on this server together. Please do not crossteam.
You can use 914 to downgrade into different classes.
The chopper will drop supplies at the MTF spawn every 10 minutes.
Disarmed D-class and Scientist do NOT escape as the opposite team on this server.

SCP 049 Can talk! Use the the same bound for 939 speech with him to check it out.
Every SCP, except 106, can heal a certain amount when killing a player. 173 heals the most while 096 heals the least.

We have custom HP and loadouts for some classes.
ClassD Health is 100 | Scientist Health is 100 | Chaos Health is 130 | NTF Commander Health is 150 | NTF Scientist Health is 125
NTF Lieutenant Health is 120 | NTF Cadet Health is 110 | NTF Guard Health is 110 | SCP173 Health is 3000
SCP106 Health is 750 | SCP049 Health is 2100 | SCP096 Health is 1500 | SCP0492 Health is 300 | SCP939 Health is 2200

To swap to an SCP you simply press ` on the keyboard to open the console. Then, you type .scpswap (SCP).
Example: .scpswap 049 would swap you to 049.
If that SCP is not currently taken, it will swap you automatically. If the SCP is taken, then the server will send a request to the player you would like to swap with. At that point, if they agree to swap they can type ".scpswap yes". If they do not agree to swap then they can type ".scpswap no".
You can only do this at the beginning of the round so make sure you swap quickly.
You can only swap to an SCP if you already are a SCP. Human classes cannot swap to a SCP.
You can type .scpswap list to see which scps are available. It shows the nickname, SCP-number, and ID of the available SCPs.

If you like this server you can check out Disaster Den Gaming for other cool servers by heading on over to discord.gg/ddengaming

1. Do not hack/cheat.
2. Do not deliberately teamkill, revenge teamkill, or damage teammates. Crossfire and self-defense are fine.
3. Do not intentionally delay the round by not contributing.
4. Follow the guidelines regarding cross-teaming.
5. Follow the guidelines regarding mic usage in-game.
6. D-Class Personnel may teamkill other D-Class in light containment before Chaos arrives in the area.
7. Do not instigate teamkilling by intentionally shooting near teammate, coaxing other players to teamkill or repeatedly closing doors on teammates.
8. Do not use exploits that can put you outside of the map/playable area or that give you an extreme unfair advantage.
9. If a player is AFK for more than 20 seconds at the beginning of a spawn, they may be teamkilled freely.
10. Admins say is Final (Judgement is person-to-person so please don't come complaining to me or any other admin that “someone said you could”.)response.
11. Do not intentionally 'call out' admins in-game if they are trying to catch rule-breakers or if you're trying to bring attention to them.
12. Do not take matters into your own hands. If someone is breaking the rules please report to staff.

Guidelines for mic usage in-game
- Do not spam your microphone. (This includes music/videos over the NTF radio, Dead chat, or in SCP chat. Otherwise proximity/the intercom is fine.)
- You will always be warned before being punished for mic-related offenses. (Unless the mic-related offense regards racist/anti-semitic/transphobic/homophobic on the official server.)
- Do not ear-rape over your microphone. (This includes every chat)
- Spamming slurs will result in an immediate ban without warning on ALL DDen servers.
- Do not express racist/anti-semitic/homophobic/transphobic views or slurs over the microphone in any way shape or form.

Cross-Teaming Guidelines
- Cross teaming is allowed in certains situation that ensures a mutual benefit. (This includes: Being locked in a room together, being chased together, or taking down an enemy threat together. This does not include following and/or helping them out.)
- Scientists and D-Class may freely cross-team with each other. (Only against SCPs, they may not team up against NTF or Chaos insurgency.)
- A SCP may show mercy to Scientists or D-Class personnel only. (Though it should not be repeated mercy or mercy that involves following/helping them.)
- Cross Teaming in situations outside of these guidelines will garner you a warning and repeated offenses will garner a temporary ban.(This includes SCP and Chaos crossteaming.)
You may contact the server owner at Kira#0001 on discord.