The Gathering is back, and worse then ever!
The Market Plier and the Elego pun have come back after retirement to give you The Gathering again....
[email protected] - Email
short url data Y2cuz https: // /Y2cuz - DISCORD
Soundboards allowed no spam
Talking about current world conflict will result in a temp ban
Racist terms and expressions will result in a temp ban
being an idiot and not using common sense will result in a temp ban
This is a AA based server, so some admin abuse is present, basically meaning we are a little funny sometimes!
We dont discriminate on this sever! no matter what your welcome! However if you are annoying people, and ruining the mood, you will be kicked! No matter if you are a guy, a girl, or even NW!
# The percentage of stamina used per second while sprinting.
# 0.05 = 5%, 0.33 = 33%, etc.
# NOTE: Stamina is currently only utilized on humans.
# 0 to disable, but this *will* cause weirdness with status effects
# and other mechanics, so we recommend keeping it on!
stamina_balance_use: 0.02
# The time (in seconds) that newly-spawned players can sprint
# without consuming stamina. Used to reduce visual artifacts.
# We recommend to put it at least 2 seconds
stamina_balance_immunity: 10
# The seconds that must pass before stamina starts regenerating after
#INVALID - the player stops sprinting.
# Lower values are more liekly to be exploited by players
# Higher higher can be annoying to players.
stamina_balance_regen_cd: -2
# How fast the stamina regenerates.
# This is a multiplier for the default setting,
# which is based on a curve - not a specific value.
stamina_balance_regen_speed: 3
#Random-stuff settings (-1: random)
server_forced_class: -1
map_seed: -1
#Misc gameplay settings
intercom_cooldown: 60
intercom_max_speech_time: 20
auto_round_restart_time: 10
friendly_fire: false
friendly_fire_multiplier: 0.4
warhead_tminus_start_duration: 90
lock_gates_on_countdown: true
isolate_zones_on_countdown: false
open_doors_on_countdown: true
keep_items_after_escaping: true
allow_playing_as_tutorial: true
disable_decontamination: false
096_destroy_locked_doors: true
no_holidays: false
allow_disarmed_interaction: false
914_mode: default
sinkhole_slow_amount: 50
sinkhole_spawn_chance: 5
disconnect_drop: true
end_round_on_one_player: false
cuffed_escapee_change_team: true
pd_exit_count: 2
#How many seconds someone is AFK sitting in their spawn location before they are kicked. Set to 0 or lower to disable. (Due to the 079 intro screen 079 has 13 extra seconds to be AFK.)
afk_time: 70
constantly_check_afk: false
afk_kick_message: Seems like you were afk and touched grass for once, good for you.
auto_warhead_start_minutes: 0
auto_warhead_lock: true
auto_warhead_broadcast_enabled: true
auto_warhead_broadcast_message: Alpha Warhead is getting freaky, and cannot be stopped
auto_warhead_broadcast_time: 10
auto_warhead_detonate_broadcast: Oh god its everywhere
auto_warhead_detonate_broadcast_time: 10
auto_decon_broadcast_enabled: false
auto_decon_broadcast_message: Light Containment Zone is now decontaminated
auto_decon_broadcast_time: 10
# - Item category limits -
# Values of 0 are NOT unlimited and will prevent item pickups of that type entirely!
# The inventory can hold a max of 8 items, so a limit of 8 is effectively unlimited.
limit_category_grenade: 8
limit_category_keycard: 8
limit_category_medical: 8
limit_category_scpitem: 8
limit_category_firearm: 8
# - Ammo type limits -
# Values from 1 to 65k.
limit_ammo12ga: 65k
limit_ammo556x45: 65k
limit_ammo44cal: 65k
limit_ammo762x39: 65k
limit_ammo9x19: 65k
#Administrative actions broadcast options
broadcast_kicks: true
broadcast_kick_text: %nick% has been kicked from this server.
broadcast_kick_duration: 5
broadcast_bans: true
broadcast_ban_text: %nick% got too freaky, they simply cant do that, BANNED.
broadcast_ban_duration: 10