NightDark Gaming

Owner: D4MI4N_X
Contact email: <a href="[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
Discord: <a href=""></a>


- <a href="">Remote keycard</a> (No need to be holding keycards)
- <a href="">Health coin</a> (Either gives or takes 25 HP)
- Game mode manager (not public (yet)) (Manages minigame-like game modes).
Included game modes:
- Blind Escape (Half of players cant see, other half needs to help them escape)
- MTF vs Chaos (MTF vs Chaos fight at surface)
- Nuke run (everyone is classd and needs to escape before the warhead detonates)
- Skeleton invasion (One skeleton needs to kill all scientists. Killed scientists will become skeletons)
- Zombie invasion (One classd needs to escape all other players spawn as zombies in EZ)

Not self-written:
- <a href="">RespawnTimer</a> (Shows useful info as spectator)
- <a href="">ScpProximityChat</a> (Enables SCPs to speak with humans)

1. General Conduct

- Respect Others: Harassment, discrimination, or toxic behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.

- No Cheating or Exploiting: Use of cheats, hacks, or exploiting game mechanics is strictly prohibited.

- No Mic Spamming or Excessive Noise: Use voice chat responsibly. Excessive noise or mic spamming will lead to a mute or ban.

2. Roleplaying Guidelines

- Play According to Your Role: Follow your role’s objectives (SCP, MTF, Chaos, Class-D, etc.).

- Cooperate with Your Team: Work with your assigned team to accomplish objectives. Going rogue for no reason is discouraged.

3. Combat Rules

- No Killing Unarmed Scientists/Class-D (Chaos/NTF): NTF and Chaos are not allowed to kill unarmed Scientists or Class-D unless:
- The Scientist/Class-D refuses to follow orders.
- They attempt to escape or flee after being ordered to stop.
- No Camping Unreachable Areas: Do not camp in areas where other players (e.g., SCPs or Class-D) cannot reach you.
- No Unnecessary Delaying: Avoid stalling rounds for no reason. Make progress toward your objectives or help end the round.
- No Spawn Killing: Allow players to participate in the round. Killing newly spawned players or teams immediately is prohibited.

4. Communication

- German in Main Chat: Use German in main chat for better coordination. You may use other languages in private or local voice chats.
- No Offensive Language: Swearing is allowed to a reasonable extent but using offensive or discriminatory language is not.

5. Admin Interaction

- Respect Admins: Admins are there to help the game run smoothly. Follow their instructions and report issues via the proper channels.
- No Admin Abuse: Admins should not abuse their powers. If you believe an admin is being unfair, report the issue with evidence.

6. Miscellaneous

- No Advertising: Do not advertise other servers, websites, or communities without permission.
- No Bypassing Bans: If you are banned, do not attempt to bypass the ban by using alternate accounts.

7. Reporting Issues

- Report Rule Violations: If you see someone breaking the rules, report them to an admin with as much detail as possible.