Welcome to Site Hyperion!
Please join the discord to become a member!

Public Business Email: [email protected]

Rules are as follows.
1. Do not teamkill unless it falls under these reasons
1a. They have shut the door on you on purpose at least 3 times.
1b. They have randomly teamkilled another person in the last 30 seconds
1c. They or an admin gave you permission
2. Do not kill compliant/surrendering or cuffed Class D
2a. This does not apply to chaos > scientists
2b. If the CD possesses a weapon and doesn't drop it, this rule does not apply
2c. If the cuffed CD is running away this rule does not apply
3. Do not mic-spam music in global channels (Radio/intercom)
3a. Music is fine if it is at a reasonable volume
3a. If a admin asks you to stop, stop.
4.Teaming is only allowed if it does not delay the round.
4a. SCP may team with anyone but Guard/MTF
5. Do not camp/hide/team if it delays the round
5a. If you are stuck, an admin must let you out after 1 minute
6. Do not exploit/glitch to help you or anyone, must i say more?