Welcome to Site Hyperion!
Please join the discord to become a member!
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Public Business Email:
[email protected]
General Rules
1. No Offensive Slurs against any group of people.
1A. Slur baiting is not allowed either.
1B. Media Containing slurs.
2. No Offensive Jokes, Dark Humour.
3. No Derogatory comments.
4. No NSFW.
5. No Harassment of People.
6. Be Respectful to others.
7. No Trolling, griefing etc.
8. Staff have the final say.
8B. Respect all Staff.
9. No starting arguments without reason, also try to avoid arguments if possible.
10. Under no situation are a staff member or normal member to advertise Site Hyperion in a non partnered server, if you are found to do this you will be punished accordingly.
11. No discriminative language of any sorts.
12. Do not mass ping, or ping other members without reason (especially staff).
13. Do not flood chat, be it spammed messages or walls of text.
RP Rules
1. No NSFW RP This will lead to a punishment.
2. No KOS, Unless they are armed and dangerous.
3. No metagaming.
4. Follow chain of command
5. Don’t roleplay as a controversial character
6. You are a grown adult, don’t act like a 3 year old scientist
7. Everytime you respawn you are a new person, so don’t remember stuff you shouldn’t know. Ignore this if your old character was anomalous in the sense they are immortal.
8. Don’t use 914 as a Foundation employee unless testing is underway, this does not apply to Class-D.
9. No working with enemy forces, unless you are either; negotiating, giving mercy, taking prisoners or a spy (you cannot just label yourself a spy, the hoster decides.).
10. Listen to the hoster at all times.
Normal SL Rules always apply, in or out of Roleplay so follow them. There are some unspoken rules, do not attempt to find loopholes you can still be punished.