Welcome to Soda!

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Ban Appeals (clickable text)

Plugins for this server are in the plugins channel!
(note: this server is counted as heavily modded by scp sl!)

SCP: SL Server Rules

1.) No Cheating.j
• Cheating can include walls,aimbot,spinbot,etc.
• If found cheating you will be banned and reported to NW.
• exploits/bug abusing is still punishable

2.) No Kill On Sight.
• NTF, Guards, Chaos may not kill Scientists or D-Class on sight.
• No killing cuffed D-Class or Scientist personnel.
• No uncuffing personnel to kill them.
• D-Class and Scientists are excluded from this rule you may kos each other as well.
• You may not kos a detained D-class or a Scientist even if you are a D-Class or Scientist
• If you are spawned from coin you are allowed to kill the person that spawned you in.
• If you do not follow orders by a guard/ntf/chaos you may be kos'd

3.) No Excessive Loud Noises/Soundboard.a
• Soundboard is not allowed in SCP, Spectator, round start, on radio or SCP-1576.
• Soundboard is allowed in proximity chat and over intercom.
• All rules, especially 7,8, and 9 still apply to soundboard sounds.
• Excessive loud noises will warrant punishment in any chat Including global, spectator, radio, SCP-1576, or scp chat.

4.) No Teaming.
• Nobody can team with SODA personnel.
• You are not allowed to team if its stalling the game.

5.) No SCP Suicide.
• Includes disconnecting to avoid being any SCP.
• If you disconnect as an SCP accidentally, rejoin and explain what happened to staff.

6.) No Round stalling.w
• Includes the last non-SCP staying in a locked room to avoid confrontation thus delaying the round.
• If the Non-SCP is staying in a locked room and is not the last one it is not counted as round stalling.

7.) No Team Sabotage.
• Team sabotage includes non-SCPs turning off generators repeatedly.
• Team sabotage includes closing doors on teammates to get them killed.
• Sabotaging your scp teammates by not attacking anyone on purpose or as pc getting them tesla gated counts as team sabotage

8.) No racism, bigorty or hate speech.n
• The use of slurs warrants punishments.
• The use of derogatory terms warrants punshiment.
• Usernames and music are counted for this rule as well.
• Everyone is subject to this rule regardless of race or association with LGBTQ.
• The r slur is allowed here

9.) No NSFW.
• NSFW can include sharing pornographic information, certain soundboards, and speaking in a NSFW way about someone else or in general.

10.) No Harassment/toxicity.
• Harassment includes making threats against other players.
• Also includes any meanness that rises above the level of friendly banter.
• Race, Age, or gender does not matter this is not allowed.

11.) Use common sense
• If you think its against the rules dont do it please think before you do something

Punishment Appeal
• If you feel that you have been wrongly punished and want to cry, go through the ban appeal form (your tears will not dry) ;).

If you haven't already, make sure to join our Discord server for weekly game nights, community fun, and more!

(The lore)
Soda! Was created when Bang! Central went inactive. 3 old members wanted to recreate and continue on the Soda! Legacy, and in doing so. Provide the top community for SCP: SL players to enjoy and be themselves!

Make sure to follow our rules!