Hello and welcome to The Basement!
The discord url is: https://discord.gg/scYycx
1. No excessive bullying. A cheeky remark here and there is alright but targeted harassment won't be tolerated.
2. No cheating or glitch abuse of any type.
3. no trolling i.e. closing doors on teammates,killing fellow scps with scp 079 etc.
3a. you are not allowed to kill yourself as a zombie, just play the role it ain't that bad.
4. no teaming of any kind, showing mercy for a brief time is ok.
4a. An execption to teaming is if CI and SCPs wish to team same goes for Class D and SCPs. Facility vs. Other
5. Do not delay the round in any way
6. Obey admins
7. You are not allowed to kill a Class D or Scientist on sight or if he surrenders.
7a. an exception to this is if the D class or Scientist is being escorted by a friendly faction, disobeying orders, or is holding a weapon. If its is D Class vs. Scientist void rule 7.
8. No admin abuse.
9. No micspam or earrape. playing music is fine just not over inercom.
10. pls habe fun! :)