«───────── « Rules » ─────────»
0] Respect others, do not be toxic.
1] Pay attention to moderators, they are there to help.
2] Do not team with other teams.
3] Do not delay the round by any means.
4] Do not mic spam or bother people with the voice chat.
5] You can play music in global and local voice chats.
5.1] Don't play earrape nor NSFW.
5.2] If asked to stop in global, then stop.
6] Do not advertise any products or servers.
7] Contact mods whenever you need them in discord preferably.
8] You must be 13 years or older to play.
9] You are not allowed to kill yourself as SCP.
10] Do not sabotage your team in any way. Examples below.
10.1] Do not close doors on teammates
10.2] You can only kill the ones you've personally detained.
11] Do not stay in unreachable zones for SCPs nor .
12] Do not draw anything inappropiate with decals.
13] No hateful, racial or homophobic slurs.
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Direct Contact: @piggy_man on Discord or email
[email protected]