OFFICIAL DISCORD HERE: Click to join the discord here!

Welcome to Jimmy’s Unlimited SCP 8.1 server. We are a new server as of 11/28/22 and our goal is simple: We want to recreate the essence and magic that was Unlimited SCP 8. As many of you know, that server is long gone. It was a place where people could be free to play and speak however they wanted. Jimmys Unlimited SCP 8.1 is a server with very few rules. You are free to say what you want and to shoot who you want. SCP deserves an english speaking server where players can behave however they feel like, without the fear of being banned. If you are looking for a chill server that follows the basic structure of SCP gameplay, while also allowing for teamkills and freedom of speech, then you have found the right place.

1. The only rule is that there are no rules. Admins and Moderators have the final say on anything and everything if we think you are pushing it.

2. Friendly fire is enabled. Therefore, teamkilling, griefing and holding grudges against other players IS allowed.

3. This server has complete freedom of speech, go wild.