welcome to pumbs server here you can find all the important stuff and rules for this server
we also host other stuff check them out here <a href="https://discord.gg/bFNqEGhT2R">Discord</a>
1. It is required that you speak English
2. Do not advertise other server groups or websites
3. Do not use cheats or hacks
4. Mic-spam is not allowed on our servers
5. Being a Donator, Supporter or VIP does not make you immune to rules
6. Do not camp
7. do not roll escape
8. do not kill yourself if you dont like your role
9. Please be nice to each other!
10. do not spam your Soundboard
Server infos
you can record on the server
you can use your Soundboard (do not spam it)
owner pumb
better coin flips
admin tools
[Note] some plugins do not work we try to fix them