----------RULES---------- </color=#ffff00ff>
<color=#ff0000ff>1. </color=#ff0000ff>Racism and any other kind of hate speech towards any group is strictly prohibited under any circumstance..

<color=#ff0000ff>2. </color=#ff0000ff>Do not camp in any area for longer than 3 minutes, If you are stuck then leave and rejoin.

<color=#ff0000ff>3. </color=#ff0000ff>Do not stall the round in any way, whether that be constantly turning the nuke off, or sitting in a room until the next spawn wave.

<color=#ff0000ff>4. </color=#ff0000ff>Using any exploit spot or glitch that you gain an advantage from is prohibited.

<color=#ff0000ff>5. </color=#ff0000ff>No Mic spam in SCP chat, Spectator chat, Intercom, Or on the Radio.

<color=#ff0000ff>6. </color=#ff0000ff>Do not ask staff to change your class or give you items.

<color=#ff0000ff>7. </color=#ff0000ff>Team sabotage like repeatedly closing doors, Killing a detained person, Or uncuffing an escapee at the exit is Prohibited.

<color=#ff0000ff>8. </color=#ff0000ff>Misleading other players to break server rules is strictly prohibited.

<color=#ff0000ff>9. </color=#ff0000ff>Abide by <color=#ff0000ff>STEAM <color=#ff0000ff> TOS, Everything there is a rule here.

<color=#ff0000ff>Staff may give punishment at their discretion if you believe you are being falsely punished, Please report action to higher up staff.</color=#ff0000ff>

TUL Discord link: (Clickable Link) DISCORD SERVER
(Clickable Link)
This is the SCP:SL server that is mainly for reports and in-game info.