contact email [email protected]

Discord server:

Server Rules:

1)Do not be rude. It’s okay to say bad words such as “fuck” or slurs as long as no one is taking offense to them or they are not directed to someone in a hateful or mean way.

2) Do not play sounds or music people might find annoying over radio, intercom or as a spectator.

3) Do not use mods or glitches to help you win the game.

4) Do not team with other teams. Such as chaos and mtf teaming together. This rule can be bent a little as long as it does not extend the round. Its ok to team with people or scps if you make an agreement as long as you don't team the entire round. For example letting an scp out of 914 and in exchange not dying for the moment being.

6) Do not sabotage your team. This includes repetitively closing a few doors, elevators and gates on your teammates. Suiciding or exiting the game as SCP/Zombie also counts as team sabotage. Please don't leave the game because you are a boring SCP, leave because you don't want to play the game anymore.

7) No ghosting. This is when you tell a player where other players informing you about the game on things you aren not suposed to know. Such as telling player locations as spectaror. Both players will be puished if they both do it.

Big Rules:

1. Breaking the minor rules constantly over a day.

2. Don’t use hacks, glitches or exploits when playing. If a glitch happens and it's not your fault you won’t be punished.

3. Have fun.