Welcome to:

The Yellow Brick Road

Discord: Click me!

The Rules and Plugin list can be found below:

By joining the server you inherently agree to the rules provided below and subject yourself to their enforcement

|1|: Use common sense.

|2|: Do not impersonate staff or developers. This will result in a ban.

|3|: Any derogatory slurs or content that insult ones gender/sexuality/ethnic background/religion is not welcome and will result in a ban

|4|: No bashing against any community, discord, or person.

|5|: Do not ban or punishment evade. This will result in more severe consequences.

|6|: Any usernames that contain offensive content are not allowed.

|7|: Toxicity isn't welcome, you will be punished accordingly for over toxicity.

|8|: Mic spam is allowed unless asked to stop.

|9|: Text Chat spam is forbidden and will result in a kick.

|10|: Staff are able to assign punishments at their discretion if they feel you are a threat to the playerbase/game.

|11|: Hacking is a bannable offense, you will be reported to the Game Developers and banned from the server if found to be doing so.

|12|: Staff Abuse is against the rules, do not be afraid to join the Discord and report staff members that you find are abusing their powers.


<size=50%>|1|(KeycardRelief): Players start with a level 1 keycard within their inventory.

|2|(InfiniteStamina): Players now have infinite stamina.

|3|(TextAnnouncement): There is a set announcement that displays at certain intervals.

|4|(RespawnReminder): Players are reminded upon death to run the /respawn command.
Server Spec:

<size=50%>|CPU|: Intel i9-10900K 10 Core

|RAM|: 64GB DDR4 2933Mhz

|Storage|: 1TB NVME SSD