Welcome to the Food Circus!
<b><i><size=[20]> -> <a href="discord.gg/Tds8DupyHY">Discord Link Here! Join for more information about the server and what we do.</a> <-
<b><i><size=[15]><color=#FFE11F>Rules down below:
<b><i><size=[12]>0. Use common sense and follow the spirit of the law, not the letter. Breaking the spirit/point of the rules, even if if you technically followed them as written, can still be grounds for warning/punishment.
<b><i>1. Be respectful of others. Don't be unjokingly mean.
<b><i>2. No bigotry, racism, or slurs no matter what.
<b><i>3. NSFW as jokes is allowed, but do not make people uncomfortable. If you are asked to stop, stop.
<b><i>4. Soundpads are allowed, but they must not include slurs, be extremely loud volume, or continued if asked to stop by the majority of players near you.
4.5 If you soundpad on the intercom, it is allowed for up to twenty seconds as long as the above conditions are met.
<b><i>5. Do not dox people or reveal private information.
<b><i>6. Guards and MTF cannot KOS D class unless they are a verified threat via either not-complying or usage of fireams. The same applies Chaos Insurgents and D class, respectively.
<b><i>7. No advertising.
<b><i>8. Team Sabotoge is not allowed.
<b><i>9. Staff have the final say, listen to them. If you have an issue, speak to their superiors.
<b><i>10. Report rule breakers.
<b><i>11. Follow Steam TOS: You must be 13 years of age or older.
<b><i>12. More rules will be added as necessary...