Welcome to Site-22!</color>

Discord Server: <a href="https://discord.gg/yQXWQVZEG9">{CLICK HERE}</a>

CedMod Panel: <a href="https://site22.cmod.app">{CLICK HERE}</a>

Ban Appeals Server: <a href="https://discord.gg/qas7JhFDdX">{CLICK HERE}</a>

General Rules:
More extensive rules list can be found on our Discord Server

1. All members of Site 22 must be in compliance with Steam and Discord Terms of Service

2. Site 22 wishes to provide a positive experience free of hate to all users. Any instances of hatred, violence, or discrimination will result in serious consequences.

3. All instances of NSFW Content will be taken down immediately and action will be taken depending on the severity.

4. Staff have the final say and are always to be treated with respect. Attempting to go against a Staff Member's decision will result in a ban.

5. Trolling or causing problems without reason will not be tolerated and will result in a ban. It will also make you look like a complete idiot.

6. Site 22's Staff Team withholds the right to ban users for rules and reasons not explicitly stated. If you feel that you have been wrongly banned based on this rule, please create a Management Ticket.

7. Any issue regarding the Discord or SCP SL Server are to be reported using the Ticket System.

Roleplay Rules:

1. During roleplay, players are expected to act as their character. Breaking character during roleplay by reasons such as relaying information from a past life/spectator, performing actions that would otherwise would not be possible, or generally breaking immersion will result in a warning.

2. Soundboards are tolerated during setup, but are not allowed during roleplay unless they are apart of your character.
2A. Voice changers are allowed during roleplay for the same reason as Soundboards, as long as they don't heavily distort your voice and make it hard to hear you/others.

3. If you are playing as Foundation personnel, you are not allowed to handle objects outside of your clearance unless you have a special role that allows said item. This means you are not allowed to trade your keycard, weapon, or body armor for better variants. If a special role spawns you with items outside of the normal loadout for each class, then you are automatically authorized to handle said items.
3A. Due to them not swearing allegiance to the Foundation, members of GOIs are exempt from this rule and may pick up whatever they please, although this may degrade relations if they are neutral or friendly with the Foundation.

4. Random Kill or RDM is prohibited on this server, but there are some instances where it may be okay. To prevent confusion, a comprehensive list on which instances where it would be okay to engage a target can be found in the Rules section of our Discord server.

Normal Round Rules:

1. Practice proper SCP:SL etiquette during a normal round. This means you may not:
- Stall the round to prevent the game from ending as the last member of your team
- Repeatedly close doors on your teammates
- Intentionally kill yourself or leaving the game as an SCP
- Mic spam or excessively use a soundboard or voice changer in an obnoxious manner

2. As it is not a Roleplay, Roleplay rules will not be enforced. This means you are permitted to commit RDM within reasonable levels. Immediate termination of Class-D or Scientists who are not detained is permitted, but if they are detained or surrendering you are not permitted to do so.

3: Teaming with an enemy faction is permitted and will not be reprimanded, as long as it does not stall the round. If teaming does end up stalling the round, Staff will privately broadcast to each member that they are the last remaining member of their team.

List of Plugins:
- Advanced Map Editor Reborn w/ Custom Map
- AdminTools
- Cassie Features (Tesla Control & Custom Events)
- CedMod
- CustomItems
- Dead Mans Switch Remover
- Desfribalator (Defibrilator)
- Omni-Tools Custom Items
- SCP Proximity Chat
- Shooting Interactions
- Snivys Ultimate Package